It's All Just Cloaks and Mirrors

Brewery and Country of Origin: Jack's Abby Brewing LLC of 81 Morton St, Framingham, MA, 01702, USA
Date Reviewed: 3-13-13
The name of this beer, "Smoke and Dagger" is a play on the terms "Cloak and Dagger," and "Smoke and Mirrors." The former is a phrase which describes a deceitful and secretive tactic used to disguise something like a weapon, a competitive tactic, espionage, or a political move as something more benign or peaceful. The idea is that the perpetrator can gain an advantage by taking their target by surprise from a strategic position (eg, inside a secure area, behind enemy lines, unseen, or within striking distance of a target). A historic example could be the use of the Trojan Horse, which was used as an enemy transport disguised as a gift. The soldiers hiding inside gained an advantage by secretly breaching their enemy's fortified walls with the help of their unknowing enemy. The latter phrase is a metaphor used to describe the fraudulent use of a claim or explanation in order to make a thing or situation appear better than it really is. These can also be promises of something that is either impossible or extremely difficult to make good on. Back in late January and again on Valentine's Day, we reviewed a pair of black lagers sometimes known as schwarzbiers (black/dark beers) which were good at being both misunderstood, and misleading. And to an extent, this is reasonable. Sadly here in America, most of us commonly associate the lager with the usual "watered down" supercold crap produced in the midwest. It doesn't help that these are the most widely available, most distributed, and most marketed beers in the world. For this reason, we have generally gotten to know of the lager as such. Fortunately for us that know better, the lager is much more than that, and everyone should know what it really has to offer. But for the black lager, that's a bit of a challenge. Because another misconception in America is that dark beers are heavy, filling, and full bodied. These are qualities exactly opposite to light pale lagers; qualities avoided by many if the primary goal is simply to drink. But what makes this style a sort of "Cloak and Mirrors" or "Smoke and Dagger" situation (if you combine the two, of course), is that this beer looks like something you'd probably avoid if you're playing a drinking game, celebrating the Fourth, or on the beach in July. In actuality, many (if not, most) dark lagers drink as easily as their pale cousins, but the experience is different as they offer different sets of flavors and aromas. So rather than seemingly entering a good situation only to be stabbed in the back, this beer is the opposite for the light beer drinker. And hopefully by now (after three separate reviews which have gone into the subject), you'll know that not all dark beers are heavy. Though, you could argue that this is a universal truth that everyone should know at birth. Argue, not convince.
Date Sampled: 3-01-13 At: 7 Prescott Place, Allston, Boston, MA, 02134, USA
Beer Style: Rauchbier
Alcohol by Volume: 5.80%
Serving Type: 500 mL Bottle, 20 oz Pint Glass
Rating: 3.40