Olympic Dreams

Brewery and Country of Origin: Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, S.A. of Apartado 15, Vialonga, 2626-851, Portugal
Date Reviewed: 1-11-15
It was announced just recently that city of Boston would be the United States' bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympics. The city competed against other major metropolitan areas like San Diego, Washington, D.C., and San Diego. In order for Boston to be selected at the IOC meeting in 2017, it will have to beat out other potential venues, including Berlin, Paris, Nairobi, St. Petersburg, and Copenhagen among others. Every US city's bid did of course, come with its own share of controversy, but Boston specifically is a particular choice due to many reasons. A lack of usable land, a reputation for heavy traffic, an out of date transportation infrastructure, and budget concerns are the primary reasons why many Bostonians have already begun to protest the decision to select Beantown as the US Bid. Still, as Bostonians ourselves, it is pretty cool to think that one day, we could be hosts of the world's biggest event. As of late, the Olympic and Paralympic Games have garnered a negative reputation for being plagued by budget overruns, inadequate preparedness, and focusing too much on the glorification of an economy rather than of culture and sport. Still, with an projected budget of a relatively meager $4.5 Billion, Boston could be a return to the purpose, the roots of the Olympics: to celebrate the nations of the world coming together on one stage, and of course, showcasing the pinnacle of human athleticism. Some cities, however, abandon their plans to bid to host the Olympics. Tokyo, which hosted the 1964 Olympic Games, will be only the fifth city to host the Olympics twice when they take place in 2020 (Rio, which hosted last year's World Cup Tournament, is hosting 2016). And Lisbon was one of the cities that had pulled their potential bid for the 2020 Games. Lisbon is the capital and largest city in the country, and with an estimated 1.75 million visitors annually, the city is the 7th most popular Southern European city among tourists. The city is recognized as a Global City because of its prominence in continental finance, trade, tourism, arts, and entertainment. However, due to economic reasons related to the European recession, Lisbon pulled their bid. And depending on how Rio goes, it may be a while before a country such as Portugal and the remaining PIIGS countires (along with any other country with a marginally less than ideal economic situation) gets selected to host the games. Maybe the problem isn't with the weak economy. Perhaps the only reason that Greece will probably be the last southern Europe Summer Games for a while is because of the Med's rather weak beer scene. Portugal, Spain, and Italy are more wine and meat venues, where as Boston and Berlin are, well... not.
Date Sampled: 11-14-14 At: 7 Priscilla Road, Brighton, Boston, MA 02135, USA
Beer Style: Euro Dark Lager
Alcohol by Volume: 6.20%
Serving Type: 330 ml Bottle, 16 oz Beer Can Glass
Rating: 2.86