Spared For Life

Brewery and Country of Origin: Browar Okocim S.A. of Browarna 14, 32-800 Brzesko, Poland
Date Reviewed: 10-30-12
Few places can say that they've gone through worse times during the 20th century than the Republic of Poland. Yet despite everything that has happened, we are still able to enjoy beer from the Okocim Brewery. Founded in 1845, Okocim was the creation of two business partners, Johann Evangelist Gotz of Germany, and Joseph Neumann from Austria-Hungary. After both had passed, Gotz's son Jan Albin took over, expanding the brewery and adding more modern equipment. During this generation of ownership, the Gotz family became enveloped in Polish culture, with members of the family becoming Polish patriots, Polish politicians, and philathropists of the Polish Arts, all while producing quality beer at the brewery. The brewery experienced massive success, becoming one of the largest in Poland. In 1931, Jan's son Antoni took over for a brief period until Germany invaded Poland in 1939. The Nazi's assumed control of the brewery, suprisingly (and rather mercifully) keeping it rather organizationally intact (though the Gotzs fled to France). After the end of the war and during the communist period of Eastern Europe, the brewery was nationalized, though it was only one of two breweries in the Communist People's Republic of Poland allowed to sell beer outside of the country. One of those beers was seemingly appropriately named O.K. Beer, a Euro Pale which was fairly typical for the region. When the Soviet Union fell, the brewery was reprivatized and sold to investors in the stock exchange. Today, it is a part of the Danish conglomerate Carlsberg. The beer, currently one of more than ten actively brewed by Okocim, is distributed in moderate concentrations throughout the continent, with some errant bottles even making it across the Atlantic to North America. And though you might not find this beer to be the best you've ever tasted, when you realize that it's nothing short of a miracle that Okocim is still around, it might be more special than your senses will have you believe.
Date Sampled: 9-18-12 At: 7 Prescott Place, Allston, Boston, MA, 02134, USA
Beer Style: Euro Pale Lager
Alcohol by Volume: 5.60%
Serving Type: 330 ml Bottle, 16 oz Stange Glass
Rating: 2.16