Man's Best Friend

Brewery and Country of Origin: Hill Farmstead Brewing Company of 403 Hill Road, Greensboro Bend, Vermont, 05842, USA
Date Reviewed: 11-22-16
Our 1500th Rated Beer
This review is dedicated to all of the furry four-legged sisters and brothers out there.
We came from the doctor's office and everything checked out great. After the immunizations and a clean bill of health, a new member of the family was finally coming home. Awaiting her was a fluffy bed, strange baby gates, stuffed animals, and fun toys to play with. A new world full of mysteries, curiosities, things to discover, and lessons to be learned. Initially, there were some messes to be cleaned up, skittishness, late nights, crying, and having to deal with "potty" training. Then came day care, finding a sitter, bath time, and of course, school. But in no time, little miss Abby was on her feet, exploring all that had to be explored. She wasn't a toddler though. Abby (2000-2015) was our first dog. She was a black greyhound with a little white patch on her chest. A retired racer, Abby's track name was "Hailstorm Hazel" and in her short career, she had raced twice: a first place and a did-not-finish. Clearly she couldn't have been bothered. But she loved running for fun and woof, was she fast. Like all greyhounds, Abby was a born sprinter who would become just a non-stop blur for some minutes in the backyard, and then come back inside just to lay on her bed until dinner was served. For an animal that could run at speeds far exceeding our neighborhood's speed limit, she was a couch potato. Abby was one of three (hopefully more) rescue greyhounds that we've adopted, and all of them, including Shady (2005-2013) and Willow (2012-), loved being with people more than anything, besides maybe each other and doggie treats. All three have been extremely affectionate creatures, constantly being guilty of trying to be lap dogs, even though they were far too big to be normally classified as such. They're big cuddlers who put electric blankets to shame, and if they aren't leaning on you, they're following you around the house. It's fair to say not one of them would have made a great guard dog. And though every loving dog owner says their pooch(es) is the best, they're all wrong, because Abby, Shady, and Willow unquestionably take up the podium (all tied for first, by the way).
Being able to call a puppy your own isn't a right, nor is it always easy. It is entirely a luxury. Pets are expensive, require a ton of attention, medical upkeep, training, grooming, and of course, each and every one should receive as much love as they give out. But it is our humble belief that dogs, and indeed all pets are worth it... except maybe spiders. Gross. Everyone should experience the unconditional affection dogs consistently emanate. In fact, everyone who is properly able to should have a dog of their own at some point in their life or you are incomplete as a human being. Dogs are members of the family. They share memories, holidays, family photos, the furniture, dinner (even if they might not be allowed to) and they are somehow always there for us when things aren't going the way they should be. But as depressing as it sounds, all families must eventually endure loss. This particular bourbon barrel aged double digit stout was crafted in honor of a member of the Hill Farmstead family. Damon was an eleven year old pup with a scruffy grey chin, known for his loyalty and patience during, as the brewery puts it on the bottle "an age of busyness and distraction." Saying goodbye to a pet, a member of the family, is never easy. And having to give your dog that final hug is one of the most heartbreaking things you'll do on this Earth. But the memories you share, the joy your pet brings, and the lessons pet ownership teaches you about life itself are all what makes the heartbreak worth it. And after your wet nosed friend moves on to a better place, just remember the good times that were. If Hill Farmstead's intent was to encapsulate Damon during his time here on Earth, we'd imagine he was a pretty awesome puppy (yes we call every dog puppy, even if they're 15 years old) because this is simply one of the best stouts, or rather, one of the best beer's we've ever rated. This is a spectacular limited run brew and though we were never blessed with the opportunity of meeting this furry fellow, we owe it to Damon for giving us a pretty special brew.
Date Sampled: 11-18-16 At: 39 Claymoss Road, Brighton, Boston, MA 02135, USA
Beer Style: American Double/Imperial (Russian) Stout
Alcohol by Volume: 10.50%
Serving Type: 500 ml Bottle, 16 oz Stange Glass
Rating: 4.29