"That's What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown."

Brewery and Country of Origin: Goose Island Beer Company of 1800 North Clybourn Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60614, USA
Date Reviewed: 12-11-12
Each and every year, billions of people around the world, Christians and non Christians celebrate the holiday of Christmas. This day, as you are all probably aware, happens on December 25th, and commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. The holiday is full of festivities, culture, and symbolism. In more modern history, the holiday has taken up a more secular definition, still very much associated with the Christian faith, but with a more widespread affiliation. Mass, prayer, and a feast tied with the Christian liturgical year were all traditional customs. Today, the holiday has become known to incorporate various secular customs, perhaps most notably the tradition of gift giving (and shopping). This has produced criticism of over commercialism surrounding the holiday, as well a significant annual economic injection for the manufacturing, retail, and consumer goods sectors. Some other well-known Christmas traditions include the decorating of the Christmas tree, Christmas lights, cards, nativity scenes, mistletoe, Christmas movies, Christmas music, and of course, Christmas beer. Typically associated with winter warmers, Christmas beers are usually stronger ales which can trace most of their roots back to old England, which is essentially one of the birthplaces of stronger winter geared ales. Two important factors which help to define what a Christmas (or winter ale for those who are PC police...) beer include strength and flavor. These are traditionally brewed ales with special ingredients such as holiday spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and vanilla. These and other spices help create a beverage flavor profile which goes great with holiday treats like cookies, cakes, pies, and candies. The alcoholic strength of these beers isn't as important, but due to tradition and seasonal preferences, Christmas and winter ales will typically carry at least 6%+ ABV, with most of them delivering a bit of warmth after the aftertaste ends. Think of it as a way to help cope with the cold winter. Of course, food is one of the most important aspects of the celebration (aside from family, pets, and friends, of course). Roast bird of some sort is always popular, though seafood, beef, and other meats are increasing in popularity, as well as feasts not centered around meat. Because turkey is the most common centerpiece of Thanksgiving, Christmas is more commonly associated with roast Duck or Goose (though turkey is still popular). Poultry is best paired with medium to light bodied beers, many of which are winter ales, though this depends entirely on personal preference and what's being served.
Date Sampled: 12-02-12 At: 7 Prescott Place, Allston, Boston, MA, 02134, USA
Beer Style: American Brown Ale
Alcohol by Volume: 6.20%
Serving Type: 12 oz Bottle, 16 oz Snifter Glass
Rating: 3.44