Waist Deep

Brewery and Country of Origin: Flying Dog Brewery of 4607 Wedgewood Boulevard, Frederick, MD, 21703, USA
Date Reviewed: 1-29-13
Despite what you might think, this is a beer dedicated to an American journalist/author, not the character on the Muppets. But while you may be quick to dismiss the entertainment factor here, we should let you know that Hunter S. Thompson, the man in question, has had an extremely fascinating life. Aside from being a world class author and journalist, Thompson was a convicted accessory to a robbery which led to his being incarcerated for 31 days. He lived among the North California chapter of Hells Angels MC in San Francisco while writing a book about their lifestyle. Thompson's relationship with the gang ended after he was severely beaten or "stomped" for making the comment, "only a punk beats his wife," referring to an Angel who had been abusing his wife. Before journalism, he was enlisted in the US Air Force for two years until his honorable discharge as an Airman First Class. His commanding officer praised Thompson for his talent and ability, but recommended the discharge due to his "rebel and superior attitude." A world traveler, Thompson lived briefly in Purerto Rico, New York City, San Francisco, and Brazil among other places, before finally settling in the resort town of Aspen, Colorado. After leaving the Air Force, Thompson began a career in journalism, where he had worked for numerous papers, publications, and magazines, traveling to many different places in the Western Hemisphere. Of course, his ways of an independent attitude were carried with him from the military, and in 1959, he was fired from Time magazine for insubordination. Less than a year later, he was fired from his reporter job at The Middletown Daily Record in New York, for various issues. After his career got off to a rocky start, he was brought into San Juan for a job at a Puerto Rican sports magazine, which folded as soon as he arrived. Fortunately, his career would eventually take off, with the help of his own reporting and writing style, known as Gonzo. Essentially, Thompson immerse himelf in the story being reported, living in the environment or backdrop per se. And based on first hand accounts, he was able to write personal, emotionally driven pieces which chronicle experiences by way of purely subjective view points. By witnessing the events in the first person, the writing is more accurate as the journalist isn't depending on other sources, such as quotes or interviews, rather, they're part of the story. Thompson comitted suicide on February 20th, 2005 after a hard 67 year long life full of divorce, lost loved ones, alcoholism, drug abuse, gang violence, and chronic medical conditions. And through all of this seemingly endless adversity, Thompson was able to use his wit and intellect as a way to orate a story from a perspective never explored before. He has been credited with creating the Gonzo Journalsim genre as well as the legacy which has followed its inception. Today, his life and work is celebrated by a the Maryland brewery of Flying Dog, which also tries to convey the purpose of being challenging, rebelling, and of course, unique. Their beer, including this tribute in the form of a Imperial Porter, is just that.
Date Sampled: 1-04-13 At: 7 Prescott Place, Allston, Boston, MA, 02134, USA
Beer Style: American Double/Imperial Porter
Alcohol by Volume: 9.20%
Serving Type: 12 oz Bottle, 16 oz Stange Glass
Rating: 3.80