Saved By the Blonde

Brewery and Country of Origin: Stevens Point Brewery of 2617 Water Street, Stevens Point, WI, 54481, USA

Date Reviewed: 8-07-12

Whether it's because Al Gore gave fate the idea, or the weather is just going through cycles, it is getting hotter every year. This year, we've seen massive records fall to the side as new heat waves, storms, wild fires, and catastrophic drought, all thanks to the changes in the climate. Scientists predict that the world's average temperature is going to rise between 4 to 9 degrees F by the end of the 21st century. Though this may not seem like a lot, an average rise in temperature of 7 degrees F would push a large amount of the inhabited world beyond the limit of human adaptation, making it effectively uninhabitable. Combine that with the loss of land due to rising sea levels, and you got yourself a crowded planet. Combine that even further with the rise in temperature, and suddenly, the world seems much warmer... and much less comfortable. And whether you believe in human incited global warming or not, what matters is that the world is getting hotter, no matter what the reason. So for the time being, we'll just have to prepare for the worst, seek out options and solutions for staying cool, and staying alive. Fortunately, there is a solution to staying cool and comfortable in the pre apocalyptic tropics, and it comes in the form of a Blonde. No, we're not talking about Amber Heard or Brooklyn Decker. This is a Blonde Ale, and boy, as far as keeping the human population going in the face of mother nature's wrath, does it do the trick.
Date Sampled: 8-03-12 At: 7 Prescott Place, Allston, Boston, MA, 02134
Beer Style: American Blonde Ale
Alcohol by Volume: 3.50%
Serving Type: 12 oz Bottle, 14 oz Sam Adams Glass
Rating: 3.05


This beer pours fairly choppy with a good amount of carbonation action and produces a quickly dissipating thin foam head. The beer shimmers with a clear, faint, light, pale golden color. Some lacing occurs on the glass.


Drop Dead features a grainy aroma with some slight hoppy notes and a bit of sweet maltiness as well. These are mostly faint smells with nothing prominent or overpowering. A subtle hint at a bread like flavor can be noticed in the grainy smell.


This is a light beer with very little in the way of a solid presence. A light bodied stature with a low viscosity and moderate level of carbonation gives this beer a crisp, refreshing, and easy to drink character. This beer finishes fairly light with a slight lingering finsih.


This comes equipped with a grainy/biscuity taste with a modest, sweet and malty hint. The flavor finishes with a slight bitter note. A bread like, grainy aftertaste joins forces with the hoppy aftertaste.

Our Take

If you're looking for a light, crisp, and slightly alternative great summer beer, your search ends here. Stevens Point offers a refreshing way to enjoy the sweltering heat while keeping things on the understated side of it all. At only 3.50% ABV, this isn't something you'll have to cut yourself off of too quickly, making it a great mellow six pack go-to. Unfortunately, some notable elements of this brew take the laid back character a bit too far. There are no highlights in the aroma, despite an adequate level of carbonation. If you're not a fan of grainy or biscuity bread like beers, this is definitely not what you want on your to try list. The grainy character continues through the finish of the taste, with a dull, lingering effect which may leave you with a potentially unappetizing residual flavor. Either way, this is not a beer for those looking for bold, pronounced flavors. This is a beer that can still be enjoyed when the sun is burning your skin. This is a cold beer you'll like in the attic of an unairconditioned house in Florida. 'Tis the season, eh? So next time you're picking up for the weekend trip to the beach, maybe you should give more attention to the fair blonde in aisle 7.