The Whites Of Their Eyes

Brewery and Country of Origin: Boston Beer Works of Around Boston, Headquarters: 110 Canal Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA; Original Fenway Location: 61 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA
Date Reviewed: 12-16-12
Before we get started, we'd just like to take a brief moment to send our thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families of last Friday's shooting. All of us at Unquestionable Taste and the rest of America will continue to pray for each and every one of you.
As we reviewed Boston Beer Works' tribute to Boston's historical and antiquated love for baked beans last week, you might have noticed that Beer Works, along with many other Boston based organizations tend to theme their brand on the city itself. Boston is a proud city, and its residents are usually more than happy to let you know about it. For this Fruit ale, the local brewpub chain decided to bring us back to a monumental battle which took place atop Breed's hill in Charleston, across the river. As your US History class would teach you, battle took place during the American Revolution with the Colonies fighting off the British Red Coats for independence. The battle, which took place on June 17th, 1775, was a momentous highlight of the war, lined with heavy losses for British forces, a successful retreat for the Colonies, and a marginal, but overwhelmingly negated victory for the Red Coats. There were over 5,400 soldiers fighting at Breed's Hill, with the battle ending with over 1,500 casualties, more than 1,050 of them on the British side. Because of the heavy toll this battle took on British forces, his victory is seen as a Pyrrhic Victory: one whose cost of winning results in the implication that more victory ultimately leads to defeat. This rang true when the American's finally won the war in September of 1783, along with the coming of the Treaty of Paris. Today, Breed's Hill, more famously, but incorrectly, known as Bunker Hill (the actual "Bunker Hill" was a semi-fortified hill slightly further away from Boston, while Breed's was chosen for its strategic location), is home to the Bunker Hill Monument, a 221 foot tall obelisk which visitors can climb to the top of, and view stunning panoramic views of Boston and the surrounding area. A nearby cable stayed suspension bridge, the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge (mouthfull) commemorates the actual monument with its obelisk like towers. Built as part of "The Big Dig," the Bridge is the widest in the world of its type, carrying both I-93 and US 1. And despite having ten lanes across, a historically significant connection, and elegant, yet muscular architecture, it is perhaps most famous for its slow moving traffic during peak rush hour, usually unavoidable by the motorists of Boston.
Date Sampled: 12-07-12 (3-16-12 original) At: Boston Beer Works, Terminal C, Logan International Airport, Boston, MA, USA
Beer Style: Fruit Ale
Alcohol by Volume: 4.80%
Serving Type: Brewery Keg, 23 oz Stange Glass
Rating: 2.91