"Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires"

Brewery and Country of Origin: Anderson Valley Brewing Company of 17700 California 253, Boonville Ukiah Rd, Boonville, CA 95415-0505, USA
Date Reviewed: 3-08-13
Barney Flat is the name of both this beer, an oatmeal stout from Anderson Valley, and a historic site of a former logging railroad in Arizona. Specifically, the flat is a stump field; evidence of early logging methods which cut trees above the base at the ground, leaving stumps. The field is located within the Kaibab National Forest which is 104 years old and 1.6 million acres wide. The designation is part of the United States Forest Service, a US Federal Agency whose mission is to conserve and protect wildlife and forests. But besides logging and lumber production, forests face a number of other dangers as well. No, this isn't some tree hugging hippie bull about saving the rainforests (even though the US doesn't have any), and we're not about to chain ourselves to a Sequoia which you can drive a Prius through. Aside from being a part of Teddy Roosevelt's vast legacy, the US Forest Service is also famous for Smokey Bear, a black bear who spreads the word about preventing forest fires. He is the mascot of the Forest Service, and even has his own congressional act (The Smokey Bear Act of 1952). Smokey The Bear has been around since 1944 and over the course of his storied life, he has taught students, campers, boyscouts, and parents about the dangers of forest fires, and how you can help prevent them. He has remained one of the most prominent icons in all of Public Service Announcements and advertising. According to the Ad Council, about 97% of all adults and 77% of all kids in the US are familiar with his trademark "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires" message. Today, the message actually uses the word "wildfires" to remind people that uncontrollable fires can occur in places outside of a forest (like grasslands or neighborhoods). Smokey bear was originally a replacement for Bambi, which of course, everyone knows and loves... even though his relatives are known to jump in front of cars for no apparent reason whatsoever. Disney actually loaned the white tailed deer character to the US Government for a year, and when he departed, the idea for a fire prevention Black Bear was conceived. Smokey gets his name from a firefighter, "Smokey" Joe Martin, who served as one of New York's Bravest. Martin was a hero who was severely burned and blinded during a daring rescue in 1922. And unlike Bambi, who'd probably prefer to ruin someone's day and cause a car accident like every other deer out there, Smokey Bear is a strong willed character who would stay and fight fires, rather than run from them. Though, like all bears, he'd rather be sleeping, so he spreads his message of preventing fires so he doesn't have to wake up to fight them. A bear's gotta sleep, you know?
Date Sampled: 2-20-13 (7-09-11 original)At: Yard House Fenway, 126 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA, 02215, USA
Beer Style: Oatmeal Stout
Alcohol by Volume: 5.70%
Serving Type: Keg, 32 oz Half Yard Glass
Rating: 3.63