Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Quick. Jack Knock Over The Candlepin

Location of Origin: Boston Bowling Alley, 820 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA, USA
Date Established: Unknown
Category: Subsidiary (owned by Phillips Family Hospitality Group) Nano Brewpub with No Local Distribution - On Site Bottling

The Deadwood Brewery, located in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, MA, is a limited scale brewpub operation. Interestingly, this is the restaurant for the Boston Bowl 24 hour bowling alley, which features both traditional ten-pin bowling and candlepin bowling. And though all of you probably know (or have played at least one game) of ten-pin, you probably haven't heard of candlepin unless you're from New England or the eastern maritime provinces of Canada. Invented in Worcester, MA in 1880 (before the standardization of ten-pin in 1895), candlepin bowling is a variation of normal bowling played with smaller (4.5" diameter) balls (without holes) rolled down a regulation maplewood lane at ten slender and tall (15.75" tall), symmetrical pins (candlepins). Each frame consists of three separate rolls (except in the case of marks (strikes or spares)), and unlike ten-pin, the fallen pins are not cleared between throws. This makes spares generally more difficult except for the case when a player is left to convert a wider split. And while the bowler has three chances to knock all ten pins down, they are only awarded a spare (with a bonus of the next ball's felled pins added to the previous frame's score) if they knock down the pins in the first two rolls. Strikes operate as they do in regular bowling. Because the pins are further apart and skinnier in comparison to normal pins, they are easier to knock down individually, but harder to knock down in groups. This makes getting strikes considerably harder. In the history of candlepin, there have been no perfect 300 games. The two highest scores in candlepin ever are tied at 245. This was first set in 1984 by Ralph Semb, the current head of the International Candlepin Bowling Association. A bowler from Haverhill, MA tied the score in May of 2011. Another difference between candlepin and ten-pin is the foul lines. There are three, as opposed to one. The traditional foul line, which can't be crossed by the players, the lob line, which marks the extent to where a bowler can land his or her ball, and the dead wood line, which lies 24" toward the player from the head pin. While fallen pins are in play until the frame is over, any pins that cross this line, they are not counted as legally playable, and the rack will be reset without them. The term "dead wood" refers to any pins that are fallen and still playable between standing pins. Of course, it's the name of this nano brewery as well. Bowlers can pick up pints or growlers of the beers of their choice, which are brewed at the bowling alley.

Reviewed Beer from Deadwood Brewery

None Yet.

All rated Beer from Deadwood Brewery

4-22-12 - Freeport Brown Ale with Chocolate - 2.26, American Brown Ale, 5.00%
This is technically a hybrid style beer which is brewed as a mixture beween a pilsner and a stout, which the brewery states, is reminiscent of a traditional English nut brown ale. Malty and somewhat roasted in style, this brown colored beer has a rather unforgiving finish, and an unbalanced overall profile. Medium bodied with an average weight and a normal amount of carbonation.
4-22-12 - Neponset Trail Ale - 1.94, American Amber/Red Ale, 5.50%
Named for the trails along the nearby Neponset River, this red ale is brewed with Pacific Northwest hops, and delivers a fairly bitter overall experience. This is the hoppiest of the five beers currently brewed at the small facility.